Wednesday, October 05, 2005

Sony Recording Studio: Day Two

Today we completed what's known as "basic tracking". Those of you who don't know what that means (Tobi, ha ha!) it's the drums, bass and rhythm guitars. All other instruments and voices are "overdubbed" (fiddle, lead guitar, organ). The biggest chunk of work is done and we can't wait to let you hear the finished product.
We are so excited about the originals we've recorded today and yesterday. So for those of you who've been asking about our originals--they're on their way!!! Here are some pictures from today...

That was Brenda typing above and this is Tobi typing now and I just have to say that my respect for each and every girl in this band is at a new level because they are kicking ass!!!!!
A special thank you to our engineers at Sony Tree for making us feel right at home: Reid Scelza, Paul Hart and Nathan Yarborough.

This project wouldn't have been possible if it weren't for our talented producers Barry Beckett and Mark Beckett.