Thursday, August 09, 2007

Food Glorious.....Food.

When you travel all over the world playing everywhere, you also get to eat everywhere!!! So we stopped off in Virginia and got the chance to sit down and enjoy a nice meal. Judging by the pictures it looks like we skipped the main course but let me assure you we didn't. I just thought it was funny with all the desserts on the table and now that we have a new trainer this will probably be the last picture of its kind....So I guess we can call it a collector's item.....Ha Ha we'll see how well that works.

I know all the girls want to thank Susan for her hospitality. Not only did she drive us around and show us the town but she also put us up for a night and let us park our new bus at her house . Susan, you rock. You know we love you and thanks for everything......I hope you get to come out on the road with us again soon......please don't wait too long. Thanks again for everything. Tobi