Going Home!!!!

So when we walked out on the tarmac and I saw this Little Bitty Teeny Weeny Itsy Bitsy Plane.... I thought @$#%&^I can't get on this thing. I walked around and built up my confidence....then got on the plane. I have to admit as we were taking off.... Well let's just say I passed out for a few minutes but thankfully I woke up and we were in the air. Two nerve wracking hours later, we landed.... SHEW!!!!!!!

I have said it before in previous blogs, don't fall asleep around us. I have to take a moment and thank TONY for taking care of us on this trip. We loved it and can't wait to work with you again. But still, don't fall asleep around us.

Sleeping Beauty.....

Can't wait to do it all again. Thanks again to Tony and MWR.
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