Tuesday, August 30, 2005


To our friends in Louisiana and Mississippi: we want you to know that our thoughts and prayers are with you as you deal with the devastation of Hurricane Katrina. The next time we're with you, we'll "raise a glass and make a toast" to overcoming the obstacles and being together once again. Be safe!!

Lisa, Amanda, Brenda, Sarah, Tobi, Lynne, and Rachel

Gas Station Yoga: Yoga for Truckers

This is going to be the title of my new fitness DVD, coming whenever I get around to making one. This "great idea" hit at 3:30 am while I was filling up the gas tank of the bus and preparing to drive, and the more I thought about it, the more sense it made.

I have found from my new experiences driving the Mustang Sally bus that stretching before I drive is a good idea. The results? My legs ache less, and I feel slightly more awake.

So I've decided I should share my genius, though it was pointed out to me in a rather disheartening way that I'm nowhere near flexible enough to appear in/ instruct on anything with the word "yoga" in it. To this I replied that although this may be true, I am still undoubtedly more flexible than the average trucker. So Ha!

The next little flaw to be dealt with is how to market a DVD to a specialized audience that won't have DVD player access at gas stations, my target place to perform said workout... hmmm, me'thinks this needs a little tweaking.

You do realize I'm joking....
