Thursday, February 26, 2009

Mardi Gras 2009

Y'all, it is that time of year again!  We spent loads of time this month celebrating Mardi Gras with the fine fellows and ladies of Mobile and Fairhope, Alabama.  We had the pleasure of playing five balls this year including those of the Conde Cavaliers, the Order of the Incas, Fifty Funny Fellows, the Krewe of Marry Mates, and the Maids of Jubilee.  We had a blast dodging beads and catching Moon Pies during the parades.  And we loved grabbing some yummy party food when the opportunity arose.  (Thank you for sharing!!)  We even had some guests join us on stage. 

Hey, who's that dude helping out uh, Chief Mandy on bass?  And here we have the Queen of the Fifty Funny Fellows ball helping us out.
And one night we had a guest keyboard player...
Hmm.... I better watch out, eh? Happy Mardi Gras.

- RS

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Sumter Signing Party

Hey everybody.  Surprise... it's Rachel!  This marks the first blog I've ever posted on our web-site.  
So what should I write about in my first blog?  Well, other than we are all very excited about our recent signing with Global Music Group (you all already know that!), Jezzzabelle's in Sumter, South Carolina showed us that they are equally as excited by throwing us a signing party at our show in January.  A huge thanks to Melanie, and all the fans who showed up to make this night and new step in our career special.  This picture was taken before the show.  We are standing in front of a lovely spread of snacks, which if anybody knows me... I was very excited about having a taste of everything there!

And check this out...
It's one thing to have your cake
 and eat it too, but to have your cake and be on the cake is a whole new concept.  I think Lisa took home the part with our picture on it.  We're somewhere in her freezer.  

- RS