It all started so innocently. The girls informed me they wanted to throw a "bridal dinner" in my honor, so I showed up at Alex's house and ate fantastic food until I could eat no more. (And when I say fantastic, I do mean that. It was arguably some of the best food of my life.)
Then I was given gifts, some silly, some girly, some useful. This included a fluffy pink tiara, which I proceeded to put on.
It was about the time the limo arrived that I had a sense something was up, and the elegant atmosphere disappeared as we entered the limo and Tobi put an "instructional" DVD on for us. Um, yeah. 'Nuff said.
The first stop was Coyote Ugly. Now, you have to understand; I run around on top of bars all the time. It's just part of what happens during the average Mustang Sally show. Tobi and I get on a bar, I play fiddle, we dance around, raise some hell, and get back on stage. No big deal. Apparently my alter ego must be the one doing these things, because when I was bodily hoisted on to the bar last night, pink tiara and all, I couldn't imagine being more embarrassed.
That impression lasted for, oh, 30 minutes or so.
Our next stop was a drag show. And apparently, walking into a drag show with a furry pink tiara is the same thing as wearing a huge sign that says, "PICK ON ME!!!" because that's exactly what happened. I thank my lucky stars that I have a sense of humor.
Several drinks and one public humiliation later, we headed to a stretch of Nashville known as Lower Broadway, which houses nothing but Honky-Tonks. We wandered around for a bit, and suddenly I saw the girl who is going to sub for me with the band while I'm on my honeymoon standing on stage. She looked at me and announced to the crowd, "Sarah's getting married! She should play fiddle!" Must have been the bloody tiara that gave it away. I protested that I was too drunk to be let near a fiddle, but found myself on stage anyhow, fiddle in hand, playing some song I've never heard before in an undetermined key.
We wound up the evening by dancing to an 80's band in a country bar...
My thanks to Mustang Sally for the most interesting night of my life!